Our Services

Here’s What We Can Help You With:

Sample Size Estimation- Tailored For You

Knowing the appropriate sample size is pivotal in any research project. Small sample sizes may produce futile results, while larger ones may present challenges in terms of resources. Our seasoned biostatisticians aim to determine a sample size pertinent to your research, with sampling techniques and parameters tailored to suit your needs. Besides, power analysis, effect size determination, and other considerations help you ensure an ideal sample size that would yield accurate results.

Data Analysis- For A Clear, Rational Conclusion

As Carly Fiorina rightly mentioned, “The goal is to turn data into information, and information into insight.” That is what we aim to do- offer a comprehensive analysis of your data so that it can be interpreted coherently. The use of appropriate statistical software like SPSS helps decipher your data and arrive at an intelligible conclusion. Biosted offers data analysis for:

  • Short Studies
  • Term Dissertations
  • Conferences / Scientific Presentations
  • Publications
  • Main Dissertations & Ph.D Thesis

Designing Research Synopsis/ Proposal/ Protocols- Get Rapid Approval

Confused about how to draft a proposal that will get approved? Biosted can assist you with all your research woes. Every project solicits a customized research plan that puts forth the primary objectives sharply. We design proposals, synopsis, and protocols- all while assisting your queries and providing valuable guidance along the way.


Evaluation of Manuscripts and Studies- Feedback that Makes A Difference

Your manuscripts are evaluated with in-depth scrutiny giving you honest, constructive feedback. Our professionals check for clarity, structure, limitations, statistics, proper citations, and everything else that an ideal manuscript necessitates. Our critical assessment is an ode to the scientific merit of researchers like you.

Publication Assistance- Make it Happen

Biosted assists you in getting your research published in suitable high-impact journals, with detailed feedback and support throughout the process. This entails selecting an appropriate target journal and ensuring meticulous submission in accordance with the guidelines. At Biosted, we make it happen.

Designing and Planning Research Studies- Methodical Research At Its Finest

Our experts assist you in all steps of designing and planning a research study- right from literature review, planning objectives, data collection, sample size estimation, analysis, ethical approval, and publication. We aim to foster the art of research and encourage helping our fellow researchers in doing so.

Legal and Ethical Issues in Research Studies- Face No Barriers

To ensure smooth publication, our professionals guide you through legal and ethical issues consistent with that of regulatory bodies. Familiarity with GCP enables our consultancy to steer you clear of possible legal and ethical issues.

Medical Writing- Best Literature Experts at Your Service

Even the most conscientious research literature can be misconstrued if not written properly. Biosted offers medical writing services so that you can document your research in a well-written, concise manner. Our medical writers excel at a plethora of writing services- protocols, reports, regulatory documents, summaries, and more. Look no further if you want structured content that is designed per your plans.

Courses on Research Methodology, Biostatistics & Epidemiology- For Seekers of Knowledge

For those who are curious to know more about the intricacies of research, we offer various workshops and lectures. These workshops are tailored for the inquisitive mind, with expert guidance to make you a competent researcher. Get well versed with research methodology, biostatistics, and epidemiology with our courses, and feel free to question your heart out. 


Letting Our Numbers Talk

Our numbers bear witness to our guaranteed top notch results. Allow us a chance to show you why we're the best at what we do

Short Studies
Statistical Analysis For Main Dissertation
Same Size Estimations
PhD Thesis
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