Research Methodology

Delve deep into the intricacies of research methodology with guided lectures and activities to sharpen your skills.


Module Duration

It takes a minimum of 14.5 hours to master this module.

What You’ll Learn

A crystal clear understanding of what it takes to conduct research.

Topics To Be Covered

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Get the drift of what research methodology truly means. All concepts are thoroughly simplified to help you understand the nuts and bolts of research.

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Writing a Research Protocol

Understand the nuances of writing a research protocol- one that’s concise, well written and meets your objectives.

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Medical Ethics

Are you aware of what the eighth deadly sin is? Unethical research. Trust us to help you tread the waters of medical ethics and ensure integrity in your work.

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Literature search

Searching for the right literature is an art only a few have mastered. Learn how to find exactly what you search for with our tips and tricks. 

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Group Activity on Literature search

Alone we are smart, together we are brilliant. Join your peers and execute your learnings in this group activity. 

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Questionnaire designing

What makes a good questionnaire? How do you design and word a questionnaire that warrants detailed results? Learn all of this and more. 

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Qualitative Research

Explore the whys, whats, and hows of qualitative research in this lecture. Formulated with explicit explanations. 

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Critical Evaluation of Journal Article

With helpful clues, learn the subtleties of evaluating any scientific article. After this session, you will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of articles critically.

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Two Journal Articles (different study designs) will be presented and discussed by members

Test your skills as we engage in a healthy exchange of presentations and feedback to help you improve. 

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Problem-Solving Questions, Q&A

Any and all doubts pertaining to research methodology will be answered and discussed by our professor. Ask away.

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Regulatory Affairs in Research

Contemplate the role of regulatory bodies and their extent of involvement in research. 

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