
Epidemiology is the linchpin of all public health data. With this module, we help you understand the core of epidemiology and give you a head start.

Module Duration

It takes a minimum of 13 hours to master this module.

What You’ll Learn

An in-depth understanding of epidemiology and its practical applications.

Topics To Be Covered

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Descriptive Designs

Know how to investigate the incidence of diseases with this intensive lecture on descriptive epidemiology.

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Problem-Solving Questions, Q&A

Evaluate and select innovative solutions to problems, and quench your curiosity with an engaging Q&A session.

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Analytical Epidemiology

Observational or experimental, exposure or outcome, why or how- you’ll know the fundamentals of analytical epidemiology in this session.

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Experimental Epidemiology

Get acquainted with the nitty-gritty of experimental epidemiology and understand its types.

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Additional Randomization, Phases of clinical Trials, Research Designs

Research doesn’t stop here. Put yourself in the shoes of epidemiologists and appreciate the different research designs, phases of clinical trials, and randomization. 

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Evaluation of diagnostic test

The process of turning a novel concept into a useful clinical tool involves numerous stages, each with increasingly demanding specifications. Learn the right questions to ask in order to evaluate a diagnostic test. 

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Causation & Association

It is crucial to understand the difference between causation and association. These concepts are simplified to the T so that you can master them.

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