
Statistics can be overwhelming- but we’re here to make it easier for you. This module entails all the principles of biostatistics, with intriguing lectures and activities to keep your neurons stimulated.

Module Duration:

It takes a minimum of 18 hours to master this module.

What You’ll Learn:

Upon completing this module, you will be well versed in the core concepts of biostatistics.

Topics To Be Covered

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Introduction, Terms & Uses

What is Biostatistics? Why do we need it? How can we build fundamental knowledge of Biostatistics? Discover answers to these questions and more. 

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Types of Data & Data Presentation

Familiarise yourself with the types of data to grasp which one is suitable for which research project.

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Problem-Solving Questions, Q&A

Engage in stimulating debates with our lecturer and arrive at findings methodically. Curiosity is one of our favorite virtues.

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Sampling: Methods & Sample size

Step by step explanation of how to determine sample size- an influential aspect of any research. 

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Hands-on & Demo of Sample Size Estimation

We believe in the power of doing. With this practical demonstration, you will have mastered the art of sample size estimation.

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Inferential Statistics

Learn how to make inferences about numerical and categorical data using popular statistical inference methods. 

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Use of Computers in Data Analysis Excel and EPI Info & SPSS

Make technology work for you. Know the inside outs of software that make analysis easier in today’s time. 

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Manual Formulae

Learn the knack of using manual formulae in any research study.

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Concepts of Clinically relevant Statistics

Familiarise yourself with the notions of clinically relevant statistics and how they can have a major impact on studies.

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